
About Me

I love to spend my days crafting up anything that I can either think of myself or be inspired by via Pinterest, working magic in the kitchen, spending time outdoors, and binging out on Netflix whenever time permits. My world was turned upside down (in a good way!) with the arrival with our little Baby Girl and I'm still trying to figure out how to make everything work. Breast feeding, cloth diapering, and homemade baby food making are just some of the new adventures I've taken on in the last few months and I can't wait for all the new adventures to come! 

I'm a proud mommy to two adorable fur babies

The cat:  
This is Ronnie - she is a real beast of a cat, lover when she wants to be fed, hater pretty much any other time. Seen here in baby girl's Rock 'n Play. Actually Ronnie belonged to my boyfriend long before he and I knew each other, 3 years later and she is finally starting to grow fond of me...when she feels like it. 

The dog: 
This is Ringo - my original baby, he survived my single days and is still clingy like he's an only child. As you can see he's made peace with the fact of Baby Girl's existence, but I can tell you there's still some pretty strong jealousy going on there. Little does he know how happy he'll be when our little lady is old enough to be his buddy. 

I'm even prouder to be the mom of the best Baby Girl EVER

The human:
This is Baby Girl - Love of my life, and cutest person that I know. I'm actually not really sure how we made someone so adorable, but I'm glad she got our good features! I'm lucky enough to get to stay at home with this sassy gal, and I watch her little Friend H during the day as well. It's not always easy keeping up with 2 babies that are 3 weeks apart in age, but I should probably be living it up while I can since they're both trying to crawl and will be mobile in the blink of an eye (yikes!/where did time go??). 

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